Fortnite Chapter 2: Complete Guide for Chaos Rising Challenges

Chaos Rising challenges has joined the wave of new content and mechanics of Fortnite chapter 2, season 1 of Fortnite. In the 9th week, gamers will enjoy completing the challenges by dancing at several bridges, time trials on the Motorboat, unlocking several chests, and more. Here’s the list of Fortnite’s Chaos Rising Challenges:

  • Skydive through rings in the Steamy Stacks (1)
  • Search Ammo Boxes at the Holly Hedges or Steamy Stacks (7)
  • Complete Motorboat time trial (1)
  • Deal Damage to the enemy from below (250)
  • Dance at the Yellow Steel Bridge, the Red Steel Bridge and the Green Steel Bridge (1)
  • Eliminations with Shotguns (3)
  • Use a Zipline in different matches (2)
  • Eliminations from within 5 meters (3)
  • Search Chests in a single game (5)
  • Deal damage to the enemy while in water (500)
  • Search the XP Drop hidden in the Chaos Loading Screen (1)

Complete each Chaos Rising Challenge and earn 54,000 XP points that you can use in your Battle Pass. Initially, gamers need to accomplish the first three challenges in order to unlock more missions by finishing each of those. In case you have completed every Chaos Rising challenges, then one will able to access the Loading Screen of the mission to unlock incredible rewards. 

Fortnite: Chaos Rising Challenges Guide

These missions are quite convenient to accomplish, and gamers can use Team Rumble mode if you feel like challenges might be tough. Most importantly, players can also utilize Party Assist to overcome any difficulty and get help to complete the chaos rising challenges. 

1.  Skydive through rings in the Steamy Stacks (1)

In the challenge, players will need to drop through the rings into the smokestacks at Steamy stacks. Just dive down into each stack and then be launched out of it through the ring to attain the other.

2.  Search Ammo Boxes at the Holly Hedges or Steamy Stacks (7)

At Steamy Stack or Holly Hedges, head straight to the roof area beneath the stairs and look for the ammo boxes. As we know, Steamy Stacks is one of the larger areas, and users can attain lots of ammo boxes there. So, it is recommended to use Team Rumble mode and go there if possible to complete the challenge.

3.  Complete Motorboat time trial (1)

On the entire map, you can find the Motorboat time trial near the middle island. Search for a boat near a dock at the north of the Eye Land Location and accomplish the challenge.

4.  Deal Damage to the enemy from below (250)

Get low on the ground and shoot opponents in the feet. Dive into Team Rumble to complete such a challenge efficiently.

5.  Dance at the Yellow Steel Bridge, the Red Steel Bridge and the Green Steel Bridge (1)

Dive into Solo or Team Rumble mode and head to the Southeast of Frenzy Farm for the Green Bridge, South of Pleasant Park for the Red Bridge at Salty Springs, and to the South of Lazy Lake near Misty Meadows for the Yellow Bridge.

6.  Eliminations with Shotguns (3)

Get access to any mode in the Fortnite game to win the chaos rising challenge.

7.  Use a Zipline in different matches (2)

There are few Ziplines present in the game, and most of them are at the southern and eastern portion of the map. Gamers will need to hop on any match in such locations to finish the challenge.

8.  Eliminations from within 5 meters (3)

Players will be fortunately able to achieve the challenge along with the eliminations with shotguns in the game.

9.  Search Chests in a single match (5)

Fortnite is one of the virtual worlds that offer tons of chests that one can claim whenever they desire to. So, hop on to the Team Rumble mode and search chests in any preferable area in the entire map. Most importantly, try to avoid steamy stacks as there will be players flocking around to complete the challenge. 

10.  Deal damage to the enemy while in water (500)

In this challenge, players simply need to dive into the water and shoot random gamers.

11.  Search the XP Drop hidden in the Chaos Loading Screen (1)

Luckily, you do not have to find any hidden letter this week, as you did in the previous set of Fortnite challenges. So, all you need to do is complete the missions mentioned above and grab some hidden XP to boost the level of your Battle Pass for the season. For that, pursue the underneath steps to reach the locations to earn 54,000 XP.

  • Go towards the Steamy Stacks and then head to the southern portion.
  • Now, make your way to Kevin the Cube memorial.
  • Near the cube, build up the letters.
  • Now, you will an XP sign pop up.
  • At last, claim your 54,000 XP and enjoy it.

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Kellie Minton  is a self-professed security expert; he has been making the people aware of the security threats. His passion is to write about Cyber security, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet and new media. He writes for Norton security products at

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